Listen ITWTATB 9: The Man With The Golden Pun

ITWTATB 9: The Man With The Golden Pun


T-Bagger Justin Hobson continues his gritty reboot of TOFOP. This is the "Best Of" episodes 81-83 and may contain bad quality audio, pants around ankles, Fringe facts, alternate universes, Batman, bad demonstrations, Batman, Weng Weng, Alfred and a very sad goodbye.

FOFOP, Episode #FONUS - ITWTATB 9: The Man With The Golden Pun

Listen ITWTATB 9: The Man With The Golden Pun

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I’m Spocktacus

FOFOP Episode #117

Wil is joined by Matt Kirshen to discuss snips and quips, sleep cleaning, Being Bob Dylan, expensive pre-show rituals, killer rhymes, a documentary we hear is good and to celebrate Spocktoberfest.
