Listen The Video Store: Best ‘Against Type’ Roles (with Guy Davis)

The Video Store: Best ‘Against Type’ Roles (with Guy Davis)

TOFOP Episode #2 41

The Sultan of Cinema, Guy Davis, returns for the first Video Store of 2024! He and Charlie share their favourite roles where actors are playing against type. Which Brad Pitt role is Charlie's style icon? Is Liam Neeson the new Leslie Nielsen? Did Philip Seymour Hoffman ever have a type to play against? Plus, Guy and Charlie share their thoughts on the Furiosa trailer...

TOFOP, Episode #2 41 - The Video Store: Best ‘Against Type’ Roles (with Guy Davis)

Listen The Video Store: Best ‘Against Type’ Roles (with Guy Davis)

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TOFOP: Crying

TOFOP Episode #2 42

Charlie is obsessed with Muji but immediately screws up any chance at a sponsorship. Wil asks what happened to chequebooks, and did anyone ever know what 'balancing your chequebook' meant? Somehow a conversation about Charlie's recent Thailand trip ends as a discussion on legalising ALL drugs. Wil and Charlie can't agree on what Amy's pod nickname should be, and we hear the other side of a recent TOFOP mailbag story...
