Everyone Relax
Who Are We And Why Are We Telling You To Relax?

Wil Anderson and Charlie Clausen
Everyone Relax
It started in 2010 with a comedy podcast called TOFOP, hosted by Wil Anderson and Charlie Clausen, which has gone on to be one of Australia’s longest-running (and terribly named) podcasts. Every episode opens with the same greeting, “Everyone relax!” but it’s more than just a catch phrase, it’s become a mission statement. We make podcasts that you can put on when you just need to unwind and want to hear some conversation that can go anywhere. From the bizarre tangents and real life stories of TOFOP, to the in depth and enlightening interviews of Wilosophy, the irreverent AFL-adjacent chat of 2 Guys 1 Cup and special miniseries. Whatever you mood you’re in, you’re sure to find entertaining conversations of little to no consequence. It really is nothing for everyone.
"Do We Have To Call It A Podcast?"
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